The national affairs of the MCSA are seen to by a National Committee consisting of the chairs of 14 Sections as well as an Executive Committee.

National MCSA Executive Committee

Paul Carstensen
Paul CarstensenPresident
Carl Dreyer
Carl DreyerDeputy President
Lester Coelen
Lester CoelenTreasurer
Jenny Paterson
Jenny PatersonSecretary
Martin Hutton-Squire
Martin Hutton-SquireAdditional Member
Kuba Miszewski
Kuba MiszewskiAdditional Member

Chairs of the Sections

All the chairs of sections are represented on the National Committee (see the Section Web Pages for their contact details).

National Subcommittees

The convenors of the MCSA national standing subcommittees are:

Richard Sherry
Richard SherryAccess
Ulrike Kiefer
Ulrike KieferExpeditions
Johan Pauw
Johan PauwConservation
Francois Searle
Francois SearleIT & Marketing
Rik de Decker
Rik de DeckerMedical
Hanlie Gouws
Hanlie GouwsCommunity
Steve Cooke
Steve CookeMountain Rescue
Gary van Vuuren
Gary van VuurenYouth

UIAA Representatives

The MCSA is represented on the UIAA Commissions as follows:

Richard Sherry
Richard SherryAccess
Johan Pauw
Johan PauwMountain Protection
Rik de Decker
Rik de DeckerMedical
Ulrike Kiefer
Ulrike KieferMountaineering
Gary van Vuuren
Gary van VuurenYouth

MCSA Members elected to UIAA

Saray Khumalo
Saray KhumaloMember, UIAA Executive Committee
Jeannette McGill
Jeannette McGillMember, UIAA Mountain Protection Commission
Greg Moseley
Greg MoseleyPresident, UIAA Mountaineering Commission

Contact them through the MCSA Secretary (