The Mountain Club of South Africa has the following reciprocal agreements:

New Zealand Alpine Club (NZAC)

(As concluded between the two federations and duly signed in 2009.)

Journal reference: Jones, Dave. Notes on Hut Reciprocity Agreement – MCSA and NZAC. 115: 134, 2012.

VISITING MCSA Members to New Zealand in good standing with up-to-date membership cards have full reciprocity as if they are members of the NZAC. It is not necessary for them to formally make themselves known when visiting New Zealand if they wish to make use of the huts. But in practice it will be useful to do some homework, even if only to make oneself known to the NZAC Head Office.

All huts apart from some that are manned have a combination lock with a code that changes frequently. It may be necessary to telephone the Head Office to get the latest code for a hut where this has just been changed. Since access to all NZAC huts is over open domain (usually conservation areas) no access permission is needed.

No prior booking is normally necessary or possible apart from manned huts and hut fees of $15 per member (including MCSA members) or $20 per visitor are paid by a variety of methods as explained inside their well appointed huts. This can be cash in a drop-box or else credit card details and even a request to have it charged (for NZAC members) to your club account.

VISITING NZAC Members to South Africa in good standing with up-to-date membership cards have full reciprocity as if they are members of the MCSA. However, it is requested that such visiting members make themselves known, through the Cencom Secretary, to the Section closest to where they plan to hike or climb. This is so they can be assisted with hut information, hut keys and up-to-date access information.

This requirement is necessary in South Africa because of the complex and non-uniform system of hut ownership within the MCSA and of equally complex at times access arrangements.

Visitors from the NZAC pay the same hut fees as MCSA members must do when using the hut of a neighbouring Section and are bound by the same rules as MCSA members.

(Information: ; National office is based in Christchurch; Photos of huts:

Fell and Rock Climbing Club (FRCC) – UK, Lake District

Journal Reference: Reciprocity between MCSA and FRCC. 117. 87. 2014.

The Fell & Rock Climbing Club is the premier rock climbing and mountaineering club in the English Lake District. It was established in 1907 and has, over the years, acquired properties. The Mountain Club of South Africa is an acknowledged ‘Kindred Club’. The Kindred Club relationship is a mutually beneficial agreement with the FRCC. As a Kindred Club, MCSA members in good standing and with up-to-date membership cards may book and use their seven huts in the Lake District and Scotland.

Read this page for more information and booking details/conditions:

The Club has been publishing a definitive series of climbing guides to the Lakes since 1922. More interesting information can be found on their website:

North London Mountaineering Club (NLMC) – UK

Journal Reference: Reciprocity Between The MCSA and the NLMC (North London Mteering Club). 118: 56 – 57, 2015.

A Reciprocal Rights Agreement was concluded between the two clubs, in terms of which MCSA Members with valid membership cards visiting the United Kingdom will be given the same rates and privileges as the NLMC gives to its own members when visiting the NLMC properties. This includes access to club properties and any discounted hut-fees, but requires adherence to local rules.

The NLMC has a well-positioned hut in Snowdonia National Park in North Wales. The ‘Hut’ is actually two properties; the Cottage and the Barn. The Cottage is strictly reserved for members and visitors whilst the Barn is regularly rented out which provides an income for the club. The Barn is suitable for large groups and is also available for members and visitors so long as it has not been rented out.

North Wales offers excellent opportunities for hiking and rock climbing as well as being a superb venue for winter ice and mixed climbing. MCSA members are required to first contact the NLMC Committee to arrange use of the club facilities prior to visiting. The latest contact details can be found on the NLMC website:

The NLMC is one of the most active clubs in the UK. Members are active in all corners of the globe from the dizzying heights of Mount Everest to the modest buttresses of Stanage Edge.