MCSA NATIONAL MEET 2014 was from Sunday 5 October 2014 to Saturday 11 October 2014. The Paarl-Wellington Section was the host.

There will be 3-4 day hikes per day from very easy to quite active. Provision will be made for children so parents can attend longer hikes.  Hikes will take place in the Paarl/Wellington area and at Paarl-Wellington’s wonderful Krom River Hut, 33° 41.721’S 19° 6.842’E.  It is a beautiful environment and the fynbos will be in bloom. The base camp is at Olive Glen Mountain Farm at the foot of the old DuToits Kloof tunnel, Klein Drakenstein, Paarl,, 33° 44.56’S 19° 2.329’E.

There are 90 places available, about half are taken, so jump! for the opportunity to attend at the bargain price of R 420 per adult for the six nights, 5 -11 October.  There will be a braai on 10 October, R85pp.