The July Camp sub-committee had all its ducks in a row and the preparatory activities (such having the recce to Injisuthi, the chosen venue for July Camp 2020; sending out the Brochure earlier than usual; arranging transport for the Base Camp kit and the food; arranging with Merrivale Spar to do the catering; and checking that all the equipment was in good order) were running according to schedule. All was ready to offer a July Camp that would be a worthy follow up to the extremely successful Centenary July Camp, 2019, at Cobham.

THEN … due to Covid 19 … the July Camp 2020 had to be cancelled.

A major part of the sadness was the bitter realisation that the five stalwarts of the Ndlovu clan who, in so many ways, play a vital role in the presentation and smooth running of the Camp, would not receive the only dependable part of their annual income. All ‘The Men’ as Vusi, Jabulani, Xolani, Alpheus and Moses are fondly called are either unemployed or are pensioners and come from a seriously impoverished, deep rural area of the Drakensberg, Rookdale. It was decided to appeal to the many July Camp supporters for whom there were effective contact details and ask them if they would like to contribute towards a fund to be split amongst ‘The Men’.

The sub-committee was delighted and over whelmed by the response. As a result, it was possible to give ‘The Men’ an amount close to what their annual wages would have been, as well as very welcome donations of warm clothes. Their joy spoke volumes.

The July Camp sub-committee took the decision that since the planning and preparations for July Camp 2020 were so far advanced, and since a stunning and very informative Brochure was on hand, these efforts would not be wasted and the next July Camp would be held at Injisuthi to build on the sound preparations already laid.

The sub-committee were able to purchase a very large, second hand Mar-Q-Bella tent, in very good condition, for the very low price of R400!

The sub-committee remained in touch until the start of the New Year.